The process of Acupuncture is the application of painless thin hair-like needles placed in points over the head and body. The treatments are extremely relaxing due to the release of certain chemicals from neurotransmitters in the brain like serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins. Therefore Acupuncture is extremely effective in treating stress, anxiety, and depression. Acupuncture helps to regulate the neuroendocrine system that calms the nervous system and regulates all of the endocrine glands, which intern regulates all of your hormones. The needles provide an instantaneous relief of pain & inflammation, locally & systemically throughout the entire body. Acupuncture stimulates blood flow and circulation to all of the organs in the body which increases the immune function, detoxification processes, decreases inflammation, and helps the body heal itself naturally.
Chinese Herbal Medicine is made up of thousands of different Chinese herbs used to treat a variety of conditions. We prescribe individualized Chinese herbal formulas specific to your condition that focus on treating the root cause. These herbs will come in tea form or capsules. The formulas prescribed will be based on both a Chinese and Western Medical diagnosis.
Functional Medicine is an integrative approach to healing the body as a whole, treating all the systems in the body at once. Functional medicine treats the root cause of disease and not just the symptoms. Functional diagnostic testing, functional nutrition, lifestyle, and environmental influences are all considered when taking a functional approach to treatment. Nutraceuticals are prescribed as treatment specific to your nutritional, endocrine, metabolic, and genetic profiles.
We take a look at the ENTIRE picture of your health history and decide on specific functional lab testing to be performed to discover the ROOT cause of your complaint. We also do lab work and imaging interpretation of the testing you have already had done. This process takes outside of the box thinking, unlike the typical conventional medicine ways. Discover the missing link in your symptoms with the exact lab testing you need.
Discover functional nutrition specific to your body type, endocrine profile, nutritional deficiencies, food intolerance, immune system, and your body's specific needs. Learn how to use food as medicine. Our immune system, endocrine system, and nervous system are dependent on our gut health. Functional nutrition is a vital component to healing your body and preventing disease. Receive your personal individualized nutrition plan today.
Neuroendocrinology, quantum physics, neuroscience, and epigenetics play a HUGE role in a healthy immune system. Reconnect your mind and body and decrease the harmful effects of stress on your DNA. Begin to heal at the cellular level, calming your nervous system, increasing metabolic health, balancing your endocrine system, and decreasing stress. It is scientifically proven that you CAN increase your health at the cellular level just by changing your mindset. Learn how to regenerate neuro-pathways in the brain that directly influence your specific imbalance.
I have been seeing Dr. Reagan for a year and a half. I have PCOS and have had issues with irregular menstrual cycles my whole life which lead us to a very difficult time trying to get pregnant with our second daughter. We sat down with Dr. Reagan on our intial consult and she listened in detail to our entire story and after our initial consult she wrote me a very specific protocol to follow including lifestyle changes, diet recommendations I needed to begin, lab testing I needed to get done and she prescribed both my husband and I specific herbs and supplements to take. She had me take different things at different times in my cycle to regulate my hormones and bring my cycle back to normal. It was very specific, I followed everything she said to do and with in a few months I was pregnant again!!!
My husband is an offensive lineman in the NFL and she has helped him with several injuries as well..including a broken leg, torn ligaments and bone bruises. We immediately contact her first when we have anything going on with our daughters and extended family. My husband and I could not thank her enough. She has made such an impact in our lives. She even flew out to Seattle to help induce my labor and help bring our beautiful daughter Mila into this world in our amazing home birth. We love and trust her so much!!
I am a professional athlete that plays in the NFL. Dr. Reagan has done an outstanding job helping me keep my body in the best shape as possible during my off season! She knows so much about the human body, all from fertility to sports mechanics. If you are ever in the Sacramento area, she's your lady!
Dr Reagan was a live saver for me after a car accident left me suffering in pain all day...everyday. By the time I met her I had been through 2 years of pain meds, injections, 4 rounds of physical therapy + massage, and countless doctors (all of them wanting to do a very invasive surgery). I had given up hope of ever living my life pain free. I’m so grateful I gave it one more shot and decided on acupuncture and found Dr Reagan! Honestly, I was a little scared because I’m not a fan on needles. But, from the first moment I knew I was in good hands. Her welcoming spirit and extensive knowledge put me at ease and gave me hope! I loved that the treatment plan included getting my whole body back in balance. Without her who knows what my life would look like now (6 years later). Because of her, I was able to get back to work, travel, hike, walk my dogs, and enjoy my life the way I wanted... with no pain! Dr Reagan truly is a lifesaver (and life creator). Thank you so much for all you do!